Developer’s life is full of challenges. On some sunny morning, your client comes with very cool idea or you think of very cool idea for implementation of a control. Even if idea seems cool, when it comes to implementation it annoys a lot many times. I wanted to implement something cool in my project too. For that I thought of one idea. I wanted to implement an entity selector control in ASP.NET MVC. A control which will allow user to select one or more users. You can say similar to people picker in SharePoint. I wanted to implement it differently. So I started thinking about implementation. I searched web for good implementations. After some research I started my work inspired by few of the social networking sites. I did not want to use any third party control or jQuery plug in. Therefore I started writing script. And to my surprise I finished my task using very less script. With the combination of some HTML, jQuery and jQuery UI, I created my control. It is nothing but a partial view. It can be plugged in any view in my MVC application. Following is the code:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".remove").on('click', function () {
var t = 0;
$('#userinput').on('keyup', function (event) {
var query = '';
query = $(this).val();
if (event.keyCode == 8) {
if (query == '' && t == 1) {
if ($("#userList").children().length > 0) {
t = 0;
} else {
t = 0;
$('#userinput').on('keydown', function (event) {
var inputWidth = (this.value.length + 1) * 10;
var query = '';
query = $(this).val();
if (event.keyCode == 8) {
if (query == '' && t == 0) {
$(function () {
var filteredUsers = ["Bhushan", "Nikhil", "Onkar", "Pranjali", "Prasad", "Prashant", "Sayali", "Ramiz", "Vikrant"];
source: filteredUsers,
select: function (event, ui) {
var user = '';
user = ui.item.value;
$("#userList").append('<div style="background-color:white;height:25px;margin:10px; float: left; display: inline-block;">' + user + '<a href="#" class="remove">X</a></div>');
t = 1;
return false;
messages: {
noResults: '',
results: function () { }
<style type="text/css">
.ui-autocomplete-input {
border: none;
background-color: azure;
.ui-autocomplete-input:focus {
border: none;
background-color: azure;
<h3>Select User:</h3>
<div id="picker" style="background-color: azure; float: left; display: inline-block">
<div id="userList" style="background-color: azure; float: left; display: inline-block;">
<input id="userinput" />
Please ignore style as I am not a designerJ. For demo I have hard-coded values bound to the autocomplete box. You can provide proper data source through view model. This is the basic implementation of control. You can do many fancy things by adding more features and applying styles. I would like to know your story about how you extended this control. So keep posting your stories and enjoy!!